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When Periodontal Surgery Might Be Necessary

While the thought of periodontal surgery might not be appealing, it could improve your oral health and the look of your smile. 

Periodontal surgery is dental surgery involving your gums and jaw. Some common periodontal procedures include gingivectomy, grafting, and dental implants.

J. Paul Fuentes, DDS, and Andrew Peterson, DMD, lead our team at Arcadia Perio and are highly trained in the latest periodontal surgery techniques.

We offer customized solutions for dental issues, whether you have periodontal disease or you simply want a deeper dental cleaning. There are lots of different types of periodontal surgery, and we work with you to find the best solution for your needs. 

You may benefit from periodontal surgery if:

You have periodontal disease

About half of all American adults have some degree of periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is also called gum disease, because it starts with gum inflammation.

Your teeth naturally collect bacteria, and over time, bacteria collects and forms plaque buildup on your teeth. Plaque turns to tartar, which leads to gum inflammation and tooth decay. Bacteria can loosen gums and cause an infection that may eventually lead to tooth loss.

The good news is that periodontal surgery can stop and even reverse the damage of periodontal disease. Dr. Fuentes and Dr. Peterson regularly perform gingivectomy, a procedure that removes bacteria and infected tissue to prevent damage from spreading.

You’re getting a dental implant

Dental implants are permanent artificial teeth. If you’re missing teeth or you need teeth extracted, implants can restore healthy mouth function as well as fill out your smile.

We surgically insert the implants into your jawbone. The procedure creates a secure base for a prosthetic tooth that looks and functions just like a natural tooth. Dental implants are considered a type of periodontal surgery.

Dr. Fuentes and Dr. Peterson may also recommend tissue grafting as part of your implant procedure. Bone and tissue grafts involve reshaping and reinforcing tissue to add strength to your mouth in preparation for your dental implant.

You need a deep dental cleaning

Even if you don’t need major dental reconstruction, you could still benefit from periodontal surgery. Scaling and root planing, or deep cleaning, is a dental treatment that focuses on removing bacteria from below your gumline. This is also considered a type of periodontal surgery.

Scaling and root planing are minimally invasive, but they do require local anesthesia. 

Dr. Fuentes and Dr. Peterson may recommend deep cleaning or a periodontal maintenance procedure if you have early signs of periodontal disease and routine dental cleanings aren’t enough to prevent complications.

If you have oral health issues, there’s no need to be afraid of surgery. Learn more about your treatment options with a consultation with us at Arcadia Perio in Arcadia, California. Contact us for an appointment.

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